
Robust High-Resolution Cloth Using Parallelism, History-Based Collisions and Accurate Friction

Selle, A., Su, J., Irving, G., Fedkiw, R. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics (TVCG) 15(2) 339-350.


Abstract: In this paper we simulate high resolution cloth consisting of up to 2 million triangles which allows us to achieve highly detailed folds and wrinkles. Since the level of detail is also influenced by object collision and self collision, we propose a more accurate model for cloth-object friction. We also propose a robust history-based repulsion/collision framework where repulsions are treated accurately and efficiently on a per time step basis. Distributed memory parallelism is used for both time evolution and collisions and we specifically address Gauss-Seidel ordering of repulsion/collision response. This algorithm is demonstrated by several high-resolution and high-fidelity simulations.

cloth.pdf (18.0 MB)
cloth-ball-far.avi (6.6 MB)
cloth-ball-near.avi (10.6 MB)
cloth-curtain-ball-backavi.avi (6.1 MB)
cloth-curtain-ball-front.avi (4.7 MB)
cloth-curtain-ball-side.avi (5.8 MB)
cloth-friction.avi (1.5 MB)
cloth-leaves-close.avi (7.0 MB)
cloth-leaves-far.avi (7.3 MB)
cloth-leaves-ground.avi (8.5 MB)
cloth-particle-accel.avi (0.4 MB)
cloth-particle-decel.avi (0.5 MB)
cloth-twister.avi (4.4 MB)
cloth-wardrobe.avi (10.6 MB)

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